Uniform Policy


Please clearly mark all uniform including coats and any other personal property, with your child’s name, this is really important because we have no way of returning lost property if it is not clearly named. Please keep the wearing of jewellery to a minimum. Pupils are responsible for the safe keeping of all their belongings. If older girls wish to wear a head scarf, these need to be plain navy blue, or white.

School uniform can be bought at any of the large supermarkets. We have attempted to make our uniform as inexpensive as possible and have given pupils an element of choice. Please note that jogging bottoms are not part of our uniform and trousers must be grey. No commercial logos on any part of the uniform.

In the warmer weather children can wear uniform grey shorts and blue or red gingham dresses. Because we promote active learning and uniforms can get grubby, it is best to have two sets of uniform so that children are looking smart throughout the week.

White or red polo tops, or shirts

Navy blue, or red, uniform jumpers or cardigans.

Grey uniform trousers, skirts or pinafores.


Black shoes or trainers.

White or grey socks or tights.

If girls wish to wear a head scarf, these need to be plain navy blue, black or white. No commercial logos on any of the clothes. School uniform can be bought at any supermarket. We ask you to consider buying fair trade. All children from Nursery classes to Year 6 wear uniform. We have attempted to make this as inexpensive as possible and have given pupils an element of choice. We ask that parents please clearly mark all clothing and personal property with your child’s name. Keep the wearing of jewellery to a minimum. Pupils are responsible for the safe keeping of all their belongings.


Physical Education (P.E.) We provide our pupils with a range of sporting opportunities while they are at Mayflower. We hope that they will find a sport that they love and will continue to pursue an active lifestyle. Our teachers work with classes on a range of sports skills and we also have professionally trained dancers and sports coaches who work across the school.

Pupils need a plain white t-shirt and navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms or leggings for P.E. Some activities will require the use of plimsolls or trainers (black)

For health and safety reasons, hoop ear rings, necklaces or scarves cannot be worn during P.E. lessons.

P.E. kits can be kept in school in a Mayflower P.E kit bag (these bags take up less space on the hooks) P.E. kits should be taken home regularly for washing. Children from year 1 wear PE kit.


Pupils learn to swim in Lower Key Stage 2 at Poplar Swimming Baths They go swimming every week on Thursdays. Pupils need a swimming costume or trunks, a towel and a swimming hat. Swimming hats can be bought at the school office.

Accelerated Reader

Thank you for taking the time to show and explain how reading is taught in your school

- SHH Federation