Any Problems

If you have a problem you should talk to your child’s teacher. If it is not resolved, please come and talk to Head teacher Dee Bleach, Deputy Headteacher Adam Stock, Assistant Head Heba Al-Jayoosi. The office staff will be able to arrange an appointment.

If you are not satisfied with the response or feel the problem is not being addressed, you can make a formal complaint in writing. You can hand your complaint to the Chair of Governors via the school. The Chair of Governors will acknowledge your complaint within five working days and reply once she has enough information to respond. If she cannot complete the investigation within this time she will write to you and explain why.

Accelerated Reader

"Pupils make swift progress during their time at the school and reach high standards of achievement. Results in Year 2 and Year 6 tests are consistently high year after year."

- Oftsed, 2017