The Mayflower Compass

The Mayflower Compass points us in the right direction and helps us to take responsibility

Never give up, we persevere

Everyone is valued, as is our environment

We are honest and kind

Stay alert and actively listen to each other

At Mayflower Primary School we encourage positive behaviour by:

Setting high expectations for behaviour, modelling the behaviour we want from pupils and ensuring pupils are for instance, using indoor voices when inside the school and walking quietly on the stairs.

  • promoting our ‘Mayflower Compass’

  • discussing issues during PATHS lessons and during P4C lessons

  • Part of PATHS is to choose a ‘pupil of the day’ in every class each day to have special privileges and responsibilities. The pupil of the day also receives a compliment list from their peers.

  • giving ‘House Points’ to children for helpful behaviour around the school

  • choosing one child from each class to receive a ‘Learner of the Week’ certificate during whole school assembly

  • rewarding children with an exciting ‘Pupil Choice Sessions’ once a week for keeping to the Mayflower Compass points

  • celebrate achievements within the school and from school to home

  • promoting positive behaviour in the classroom, playground, dining room and during assemblies
  • Running a whole school social and emotional learning programme (PATHS).
  • Running the zones of regulation curriculum
  • Running small friendship groups for targeted pupils who have difficulties in making and retaining friendships.
Accelerated Reader

"Thank you for spending time talking to us this morning about how you use 'storytelling' throughout the school. It was great to visit classrooms and see it in practice."

- Joanna and Ange, Millennium School