Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

At Mayflower we recognise our responsibility to ensure that arrangements are in place to safeguard our pupils and promote their welfare. We carry out this duty through our teaching and learning, pastoral care and extended school activities.

All members of our school community (including volunteers and Governors) will at all times establish and maintain a safe and stimulating environment where children feel safe and secure, are encouraged to talk to adults they can trust, and are listened to. Our staff are trained in Child Protection every 3 years. This training enables staff to recognise signs of abuse and understand their responsibilities when a child may be at risk of harm.

Our policy is currently being reviewed in line with KCSIE 2022.


Accelerated Reader

"I've had a really enjoyable and interesting time getting to know your lovely school today - everyone was so friendly and welcoming. There were so many things to see and share. Thank you very much for giving your time so generously. I hope we can keep in

- Carol Child, Headteacher of Carlton Colville Primary School - Suffolk