
Welcome! At Mayflower we will:

  • Keep children at the centre of all we do
  • Have high expectations of ourselves and all our learners
  • Recognise the contribution that everyone can make to children’s learning
  • Encourage everyone to be a problem solver with a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Build self confidence by supporting risk taking
  • Provide challenging active learning that gives choice and independence
  • Ensure our school is an inclusive, stimulating environment that reflects and celebrates our creative learning
  • Make use of our location so that pupils experience and feel part of London
  • Enable our pupils to understand they are citizens of a wider global community.

Our school is well staffed with talented and committed staff. Each class has a full-time Teaching Assistant, many of whom are bilingual. We know how important it is to work in partnership with parents. You can arrange to meet with Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants at any time throughout the year. We have more formal meetings for parents at different points in the school year.

The school day begins informally at 8.45 when children can come into class with parents and choose books and share learning together. Our popular breakfast club begins at 8.00am and offers a wide range of healthy breakfasts, both hot and cold, at no cost to parents. We find this really helps pupils to have a calm start to the day and aids concentration and learning.

Our Nursery, Kapoor Class, provides a mixture of part-time and full-time places for 45 children. The day runs from 9.00 – 12.00 and 12.30 – 3.30. Ben Jones is our Phase Leader for the Early Years, Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Rosie De-Vekey is the lead teacher for the Nursery. The EYFS team will advise parents and carers on the best ways to settle children into school. Attending every day is the best way to help your child settle, and to get the most from this crucial stage of their education. It really is the ‘foundation’ of good education.

Our EYFS is well resourced with excellent outdoor facilities.  We want all our parents to feel part of our school community and will respond to any ideas you have to help this happen more effectively.

We want our parents and carers to feel part of our school community and will respond to any ideas you have to help this happen more effectively. Nadia(parental engagement lead), will let you know about any parents’ events taking place in school and can answer any questions you might have. Anisha/Farhad, is based in the office and she helps us maintain excellent attendance. We ask that parents phone school if children are off sick.

Accelerated Reader

"Pupils make swift progress during their time at the school and reach high standards of achievement. Results in Year 2 and Year 6 tests are consistently high year after year."

- Oftsed, 2017