Mayflower’s Curriculum

Our Curriculum leads are Dee Bleach and Ben Jones

(Any questions regarding the curriculum please email

Our school’s vision runs through our curriculum. We strive for excellence in all that we do and want all our pupils to be successful learners. We are constantly searching for new and innovative ways to make learning more exciting. We want everyone at Mayflower to enjoy the sense of adventure learning brings and to discover how learning changes lives.

We have high expectations of ourselves and all our learners. We encourage pupils and staff to be problem solvers with a ‘can do’ attitude. We make use of our city so that pupils experience and feel part of London. We enable our pupils to understand they are citizens of a wider global community. We make sure our school is an inclusive, stimulating environment that reflects and celebrates our creative learning.

Our curriculum is Literacy rich and designed to give our pupils local and global knowledge within a broad and balanced curriculum. Our topics are based around excellent books, storytelling and visits. This helps put children’s learning in context and also brings learning alive.

We want pupils to be talking about their learning and asking questions which shape the learning in their class. We want pupils to persevere and reflect on and review their learning.

We continue to refine and improve our curriculum, looking for new ways to work together across the school and to keep learning current and open to fresh ideas and approaches.

The storytelling approach is key to our curriculum. Every topic is based on a book or oral story that the children learn to tell before they begin any writing. By the time pupils leave Mayflower they will know 48 stories really well. We have carefully selected stories from around the world that reflect diverse cultures and role models. Our stories have both male and female protagonists. We also make use of our rich local heritage as well as leaving space for important current events.

The first topic of each year begins with the class artist. Our classes are named after innovators. Kapoor and Hepworth are sculptors: Matisse, Klee, O’Keeffe, Haring, Hokusai and Rousseau, are painters. Boyce, Kusama, Himid, Riley, Hockney and Ofili are contemporary artists. Ray, is a writer and illustrator of children’s books. Children will learn about their class artist as they move through our school.

Throughout our curriculum, key themes and skills are present. Problem solving, enquiry and child-led investigations. Storytelling is used to learn about concepts in geography and science, religious education and history.

We offer a wide range of learning opportunities beyond the school day which change each term. We have breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs, which include for example, science, art, music, dance, sports and computing. Pupils choose the area of learning which appeals to them and learn something new for the term. These experiences give pupils new interests and help them to lead healthier lives.

We have a two year curriculum cycle to keep the learning fresh. Our curriculum overview gives you a flavour of what Mayflower pupils learn.

Whole School Curriculum Overview

Subject Curriculum Maps

Accelerated Reader

"Pupils' behaviour and personal development are of the highest quality. They listen intently, persevere when work gets difficult and treat others with the upmost respect. Relationships are excellent."

- Oftsed, 2017