
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages.

The last time Ofsted inspected Mayflower, in December 2022, we were rated 'Outstanding'. You can learn more about what the inspectors said by downloading the full report:

Ofsted Report - December 2022

Good practice resource - Helping families and children get ready for school

Ofsted Parent View

Did you know that you can complete a quick on-line questionnaire about Mayflower School on the Ofsted website? This is important feedback which the school has access to and so does Ofsted. When the school is inspected, Ofsted will use this data. It is important that as many Parents and Carers as possible fill this in so we can get a balanced and useful picture of the school.

If you have a particular issue or concern you want us to know about, then please get in touch with us so we can resolve any issues and get better at what we do!

For more information take a look at the Frequently Asked Questons or visit the Parent View website.

Accelerated Reader

"Pupils' learning is outstanding. This is because senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistance are determined to ensure that all pupils leave Mayflower with the best possible chance of future success."

- Oftsed, 2017