Geography at Mayflower

At Mayflower, we believe Geography is vital in enabling our pupils to engage with and navigate the world they live in. We aim to develop children's geographical thinking and imagination through direct experience of the world.

To make geography relevant to our pupils we believe it should:

  • Embrace young children's geographies and their everyday experiences
  • Use enquiry and active participation to engage learning
  • Involve thinking and acting sustainably

The geography curriculum is based around 4 key skills which the children develop whilst in KS1 and KS2. These skills are: enquiry, fieldwork, mapwork and the use of digital and visual sources.

Pupils are taken on fieldwork visits in the locality and further afield. During these visits, pupils develop their understanding of human & physical features, as well as develop creative ways of using the outdoors to develop map reading skills.

Accelerated Reader

Our visit to Mayflower Primary School such a profoundly inspiring learning experience. Your hospitality, your knowledge, and your passion and caring for the students and their families is exemplary!!!

- Professor Casey Lum from New York University