Art at Mayflower

We believe art is a key element of the curriculum at Mayflower that can support children’s understanding of other subject areas as well as being taught discreetly. All art topics involve teaching new skills which are then applied by children on their own or collaboratively with a focus on creating individual and unique outcomes. This is key, we believe, to children developing a creative mindset.

The art curriculum aims to develop children’s skills within 4 key areas: drawing, painting, sculpture, printing, collage/textiles and photography/digital. In addition to this, all of our classes are named after artists or illustrators and the beginning of each year is spent discovering more about their lives and work.

We have developed long standing relationships with a number of galleries and artist educators regularly come to the school to deliver workshops or collaborate on projects. Our consortium of local schools work closely with Bow Arts on an annual project. During the year, a group of pupils work with a professional artist towards a final outcome that is exhibited at a celebration event. We ensure all of our pupils visit a range of galleries and museums during their time at the school so that they understand the cultural opportunities available to them in London. After school clubs are available for children to explore a particular interest in art and we have a group of ‘cultural ambassadors’ who meet regularly to raise the profile of the arts at the school and develop their passion for art.

Take a look at some of our past projects and collaborations here:

Accelerated Reader

"Whoever you are, and whatever you do, Mayflower expects the highest standards of endeavour and humanity. As a result, this is a dynamic, exciting and rewarding school in which to work and learn."

- Oftsed, 2017