Pupil Voice

September 2021

The new Ambassadors have already been very active so far this year! They have already helped to plan Well Being week, Bike to school week and they are now preparing for walk to school week.

September 2021

Ambassadors were recruited for years 2 to 6.

October 2021

we finished making the playground games leaflet that have be distributed across the school, as well as enlarged on the quiet area windows for children to access at playtimes. The ambassadors chose some games they thought would be popular and manageable at playtime's and lunchtime, practiced them and wrote some rules and notes in the leaflets.

The ambassadors meet regularly to discuss how to resolve playground disputes. We meet to share their strategies and ideas and we aim to make some guidelines and then share with classes.

December 2021

we did a litter pick in the playground and the bike shed.


  • The BIKE IT crew members for this year have been recruited from year 5.
  • STARS (Sustainable travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) inspires young Londoners to travel to school sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely by championing walking, scooting and cycling. Our travel plan has been updated with all the BIKE IT activities we took part in since September 2021 and we are now GOLD!
  • For road safety week, the year 6 ambassadors made a road safety film about to safely cross the road.


National Road Safety Week was in November2021 and this was a week - long event, encouraging safe cycling and walking to school, encouraging the use of non-car modes of transport, lessons on road safety and ending with Be Bright Be Seen day on the Friday. Children had the opportunity in the week to make bright decorations for themselves, bikes or scooters and the event was very successful. James from SUSTRANS (Sustainable Transport British Cycling Organization) came and spoke at assembly about road safety and prepared us for the Be Bright Be Seen day. The BIKE IT crew judged the winners and gave out fab prizes. They also made posters to advertise road safety week and distributed them across the school.

Future plans / projects:

National Children Mental Health Week is in February 2022. The ambassadors are going to share ideas about how to look after our mental health and then share and get ideas from each class. These ideas will then be made into a video to share on the website.

September 2020

We had a really successful Cycle To School week in September 2020. The Bike IT crew did a fantastic job at tidying the bike shed as so many members of staff and pupils cycled and scooted to school this week! They also met with James from SUSTRANS to learn about the ABC of bicycle and scooter maintenance. During The Cycle To School week, they helped to maintain some scooters and bikes. 

October 2020

During Well being week in October 2020, the ambassadors helped to create a well being display, they spoke during assembly and they took part in many well being activities. It was a really successful week. Some classes were able to teach another class a well being activity via Microsoft Teams!

The ECO Committee have been busy cleaning up the playground and getting involved with the Great Big School Clean in September 2020.

This year, the ambassadors will be continuing to work on British Values and their new focus will be on friendship. 

Walk to school week took place in October. Lots of pupils counted how many steps they took each day, to and from school. We wanted to encourage as much walking and as little car use as possible! 

November 2020

November is going to be a busy month! We have National Road Safety Week from 16th to 20th November and Be Bright Be Seen day on 20th November. We are going to take part in a number of activities related to road safety. Here are some of the fabulous entries for the be bright be Seen day competition from last year!

November 2020 has been very BRIGHT! We had a really successful National Road safety week with lots of learning about road safety and a brilliant Be Bright Be Seen day on the last day of the week! The ambassadors designed some super posters. This year the theme was NO NEED TO SPEED. Bike It crew worked hard to clear and tidy the bike shed ready for all the bikes and scooters during national road safety week. 

ECO Committee - they have been working hard to complete their Green Flag audit across the school to see where we can make improvements from fair trade food, to litter to learning about bio-diversity. You can see their action plan and minutes from their meeting on the ECO Committee noticeboard.

The Ambassadors are currently involved in a project to improve the quiet area. The whole school will have the opportunity to contribute their ideas to make it a calm, relaxing, well-being area.

The BIKE IT crew have been very active, tidying the bike shed, judging the Be Bright Be Seen day entries.

December 2020

It has been great to see one of our keen ambassadors, Anya, in year 4, volunteering to empty the fruit waste bin each week into the compost bin. 

The ambassadors put up posters in the toilets to remind everyone of how to look after the toilet to ensure they are clean and hygienic. 

The ECO Committee are going to review their action plan to ensure we have followed up any action points and make sure that in January 2021, they are ready to set some new goals.

Finally, next January, the Bike IT crew will be planning the Air Quality day and the Air Quality Competition.

School Ambassadors 2021-22


Umar - Previous Student (Year 7) - I remember all these events.I like it, Keep it up!

Helen - Thank you Yusuf!

Yusuf - Previous Student (Year 7) - It's so wonderful to see these fantastic events running at Mayflower, keep it up!

Adam - Well done school ambassadors.
You are doing a fantastic job...keep it up!

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Accelerated Reader

"Your school was such an eye opener and was such a lovely day. I couldn't believe how polite, welcoming and hard working students all were! And of course really nice to be in a school that promotes creativeness and cultural diversity. Had a very positive

- Kara Davies, School Counsellor - Octavia House Schools