British Values

At Mayflower we take seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life as active participants in modern British society. British Values are actively shared and promoted amongst children across the school and opinions and behaviours contrary to these values are consistently challenged. In particular PATHS, P4C and RE lessons provide children with opportunities to deepen and develop their understanding of British Values. As part of our Mayflower Citizens project, children are enabled to engage with and learn about people from different backgrounds and contribute to their local and wider communities.

What are British Values?

British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, are the British Values the government requires all schools to promote.

British Values at Mayflower


At Mayflower classes vote for their School Ambassadors who discuss and feedback issues of importance to the school in regular meetings. School Ambassadors visit the Houses of Parliament yearly to learn about the British political system and they share their learning with the school. They develop and take the lead on school improvement projects and charity events. We recently had a visit from our local MP and children had the opportunity to ask questions about his role. We use local and national elections as opportunities to educate children about British democratic processes. Classes regularly use different voting methods to vote on issues of importance to them. Children debate and discuss topics of interest through the curriculum and especially in P4C enquiries.

Rule of Law

At Mayflower we learn about why we have rules to follow both in school and society. We have a Behaviour Policy which is implemented across the school with children aware of the Mayflower Compass Points, rewards and sanctions. Classes create their own class contract to clarify responsibilities and consequences of our behaviour. Visits from local agencies such as the police and fire service help children to understand the rules in our community. We learn about rules in sports and games through PE lessons.

Individual Liberty

Children are encouraged to make positive choices in their learning and behaviour in a safe and supportive environment. Through PATHS lessons we develop self knowledge, self esteem and self confidence, learning about understanding and regulating our feelings and behaviours. Our behaviour policy supports children to accept responsibility for their own actions. Children are supported to make a positive contribution to our local and global communities through trips and links with other schools. As part of our Mayflower Citizens project, each class will take part in a volunteering project to contribute to our local area. Whole school themed weeks, assemblies and charity events raise awareness of the difference we can make in the world, supporting national and local charities.

Mutual Respect

Respect for each other and our environment is at the heart of Mayflower’s ethos. All members of the school community are expected to treat one another with respect and to work positively with everyone. Children learn that their activities have an effect on others through our behaviour policy, PATHS and P4C lessons. Children are supported to develop respect for their own and others’ cultures and beliefs. Assemblies follow themes underpinned by values of diversity and respect.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Children at Mayflower are introduced to a wide range of ways of life from within Britain and around the world through assemblies, RE, educational visits, stories and our creative curriculum. Diversity is promoted through marking and learning about different celebrations throughout the year. We follow the Tower Hamlets syllabus for RE which teaches about all the major faiths. Children visit different places of worship across London, visitors from different faiths are invited to share the diversity of beliefs and customs with children through an interfaith week. PATHS lessons and P4C enquiries support children to listen to, understand and respect the views of others. Staff and pupils are supported to challenge behaviour that is discriminatory or prejudicial. Through our Mayflower Citizens project, each class establishes a friendship link with another school locally or nationally, exchanging letters, learning and visits where possible.

Accelerated Reader

"Pupils make swift progress during their time at the school and reach high standards of achievement. Results in Year 2 and Year 6 tests are consistently high year after year."

- Oftsed, 2017