Some more!!!


all the 2012-13 mayflowe students - This is from us that are in Langdon Park.
We miss everyone and looking back at all these pictures we miss all the fun times at Mayflower.
Give our love to the school!

saleha - Ohh I can remember those days

shamia - Ishita - I know! Naeemah and Nasiha are so cute....

ishita - Oh my gosh. These are hilarious. Did you spot nasiha and naeemah in the background of picture 2? haha!

Shamia - I looked so cute when I was so small. I miss being small again and I could remember my yr 1 /2 teacher Mila! I really miss her. Im so happy to see my little self again!

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"Thank you for the tour around your lovely school. We loved meeting the articulate pupils."

- Viking Academy Trust