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Sania - I can't wait to go to my new class.

Leeya - This is the best school ever in the entire world the playpod is so fun.
Thankyou ambassadors

Andrei - Our clases are AMAZING

Leeya - I can't wait to go to our new classes

Leeya - I can't wait until the Queen comes to our school. I want the Queen to say this school is outstanding and her Husband

ex- student nuzhat - years 6 good luck in your SATS

Nuzhat-old student - Mayflower is a really great school and I extremely miss it and I especially miss all the staff

Sumaiya - Hello it's Sumaiya from Hockney. I Love the books but could I get more green coloured books?

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - I\'m so proud of all the books but can we get more red coloured books?

Leeya - i cant wait for world book day its going to be so fun

Tazkia - In love this school every one is so sweet and I wish this my future school

Leeya - in the holidays you must be practising your Time Tables

Leeya School Amassador - I think we have to get better at everything you don\'t know so you get better at all things you don\'t know.!2

Leeya - we are really good at maths and its so fun!

Leeya - Everybody must be logging on to mathletics to get bronze then silver then the hardest Gold! everybody should be doing the thing i said to do so keep it up and keep on logging on mathletics

Nyla school ambassador of Rousseau class - Thanks to all of you who are logging on to the mayflower website and keep commenting thanks again 😄😀😄😀

Leeya - Thank You for all your comments and try make them all true and we repeating our work so that`s you are understanding all of your work from the start o f the year whatever year you are in.

Leeya - lets get some new stuff because the children will love it and also World Book Day was really fun even the costumes are really cool

Leeya - could we have some nice plants please in the playground

Andrei - Let\'s see who is gonna put the best costume on World book day be the best ok!

Andrei - Let\'s see who is gonna put the best costume on World book day be the best ok!

Zaynab B Ambassador - Thank you all for your wonderful comments and we will try to make them all come true

Zaynab B [Ambassador] - Hi everybody
The Ambassadors and Adam are going to another school to check out their playground so that means we can see it and make our playground more better.When Adam or Dee buy new playground equipment for the school we should all take care of it and when we are finished we should all put it back where it belongs. Lets stick to the compass points and log on to Mathletics, Acelerated reader [at school] and for UK22
-Zaynab B Kusama

Zaynab b - Hello everyone thank you for your surgesstion and we will try to make this ideas come true but we can not have swings slides and ecx.
It\'s great how other old Mayflower pupils have commeted as well. Adam is making a trip for the Ambassadors to visit a school with an exrondanary playground but we want to make it better. Make sure you log on Mathletics, Accelerated reading and most of you
Keep commeting bye

fatima EX-mayflower student - MISS U MAYFLOWER

leeya - could we have special chairs for the visitors can this be done?

Majida~ambassador - Please can we have an area where you could have some alone time

leeya school ambasador - we are good school ambassadors we respect to others we have to play with othe people even though there not in your class.

Majida ~ ambassador - Could we please have new exiting chapter books in every classroom 😃😊

leeya - can we have a tree house can this be done?

Andrei - Lets all get better at raising money

leeya - our school are estaticly good at doing there work and they do it neatly some of the people who dont do neat handwriting keep and try ok?

leeya - our school is getting better at stuff like maths english art science

leeya - can this be done we can have small seats for the small playground so we can sit down if we have enough football time so if you get tired ok?

leeya - school ambassadors are working hard!

leeya - We have to learn hard staff so you get better at learning ok.

leeya - can we have a tranpoline please ?

leeya - can we have a bigger equipment like a climbing frame can this be done

leeya - our job is getting things done

leeya - we are amazing learners at maths english

leeya - we are learning really hard

ANDREI - Can we have a trampoline

ANDREI - Can we have a slide

leeya - our reading is amazing but a bit better


School ambassador - Ask the school ambassadors if you need help.

Zaynab b chair of ambassador - Fawzia thanks for comment we will get everything done but just to let u know you\'re a show off

saniya and shaniya - books for planners so we could take home and use for school

Mariyya Hassan: Ex-Mayflower pupil - Wow...!
Zainab B has worked fantastically to lead the ambassadors for spokenword weak and I\'ve learnt some of the African songs from my brothers in Hokusai and Ray class they were great.
I heard about the \"we are British\" assembly where my brother also told me about the wonderful
Poem . Make sure everyone wears their cosy pyjamas on pyjama day🤗

marjana - a climiming frames and a massive slide and a siwwming pool

Zaynab Chair of Ambassadors - Half Term is after this week snd and guess what after that is..... Pajama day YAY! And Im so excited.
at Friday afternoon we maybe be finishing school at 2:00 put i have to double check with Adam.
Remember our motto WE ARE THE BEST!!!
~Zaynab Chair of Ambassadors

Andrei school ambassador - Thank you for your comment children AND WE WILL GET THINGS DONE

Zaynab B Chair of Ambassadors - Hello Mayflower People
Spoken Word Week is coming up and Me and my fellow Ambassadors are so excited and I hope you are to. We are going to invite lots of guest to Rap do Poetry and MORE!
The Ambassadors and I am holding a surprise which you will see on Monday morning for Spoken Word. Don\'t forget our Motto WE ARE THE BEST!!!
~Zaynab [Chair of Ambassadors]

School ambassadors - Hi Fatima

We will try to get a vending machine, Thank you for your comment

School ambassador - Hi Nadiyah

We will try to get monkey bars and bikes and scooters, Thank you for your comment

School Ambassadors - Hi Saniya

We will try to get some stationary for the playground. Thank you for your comment

Andrei school ambassador - Our job is GET THINGS DONE

Zaynab [ Chair of Ambassadors ] :] - As the Chair of Ambassordors
I will try to convince Adam to make your wonderful ideas come true and remember log on to Mathletics and Spellodrome, any ideas type here or ask your class Ambassadors and don\'t forget our Moto WE WANNA BE THE BEST!!!!
~ Zaynab Chair of Ambassordors [Kusama Class]

Andrei school ambassador 2015-2016 - The school ambassadors are working so hard.

Andrei - We are working hard on our song

Rahmah - hockney class school ambassader - thank you for the comments and ideas i will discuss this with Adam in are next meeting

Saniya - I would like some stationary such as binders and pencil pouch for our self at school please

school ambassador:Ikraam Riley class - Thank you for these comments,we will talk to Adam,AND GET THINGS DONE!!!

zara - i would love to have a round a bout and have a more skipping rope,hola hoop,fuzzy balls if you can not aford tobuy it why don\'we try having a sale PLEASE THANK YOU school canserles and adam.

Nadiah begum - please can we have some bikes and scooters in the playground can we also have a climbing frames with monkey bars in the big play ground because it would be more fun and we will have more fun

Riley Class - Could we please get bicycles and also create a play house area?

School Ambassadors - Thanks you for your comments and for the helpful tips Mariyya. School Ambassadors will be meeting soon to discuss key issues, such as the playground. Our Motto this year is...WE WANT TO BE THE BEST!!!

marjana - a big trampoline and a swing

school ambasador 2015-2016 - Plz make sure you are looking after equipment

tazkia - There are very kind intelagent ambassadors this year😀😀

Eshan - Am in mayflower and I love it

samiya hoque - please can we have more equitm ent

Mariyya Hassan: Ex- Mayflower pupil - As I was really upset to stop being an ambassador and leaving Mayflower I am still checking out the website and the school has changed soo much! ......👍🏻
I want to come back but of course I can\'t . Well done to all new ambassadors and our smart badges VERY TRENDY. I would suggest to make Mayflower a safer and live in a better enviroment it would be even better if all students collaborate to recycle, look after, clean, keep presentable enough for us to be safe which means to even come to and from school properly and healthily. That\'s all my saftey tips and I hope to have more helpful information for OUR school later and make it even more succesful than it already is

radiah mahmud yr 6 - hi guys, do you know if we are aloud to bring healthy snacks into school?

Fawzia zaynab and nuzhat - I feel rally happy that we raised a lot of money for charity next time we want a stadium in the football pitch and vending machine to get healthy snacks and drinks😄😃

Saima - Look out for the perimedeaters they will help solve your problems and that doesn\'t mean that you can\'t talk to teachers also they were a blue badge.

used to go mayflower - what are school ambassadors?

Zaynab Shakila Begum Hockey - School Ambasodors
I would really like a vending machine that have drinks and snakes to eat (for free)
In the quiet area

school Ambasodors - thanks for the ideas

School Ambassadors - Please make sure you are looking after the equipment and if you aren\'t sure about how to use it, come and ask us-we are wearing our badges!!!

School Ambassadors - A vending machine is an interesting idea. We think if it was healthy snacks it would be even better. We will look into this.

Ex student - Have fun guys with the new improved playtimes!!

hajera - I cannot believe all of us actually raised £574.22 as a school altogether, that is a great amount of money and i hope that it helps lots of children across the world.

hajera - it was great fun helping mariyya and zabir (the school ambassadors for boyce class)because we could give them ideas about improving our school playground

fatima - i would like a vending machine, thank you school ambasadors

Nuzhat Khanum Ahmed - thank you school you school you have really improved our school also you have improved our play times its much more better and more fun

School Ambassadors - What do you think of the new equipment? Leave your messages here...

Hazera - I would like a tree fort and a monkey bar.THANKYOU!!!

Sarra - I can not wait for the new equipment. It looks so fun. THANKYOU SCHOOL AMBASSADORS!!!

Fahmida Ahmed - what do you do in school ambassadors

i wish i was a school ambassadors

Mariyya: Boyce class ambassador - Thank you for all these fantastic ideas what I would like to get to improve our playground is new water fountains these recent ones are not working quite well and are broken . what would be great is a little chatting area with seats and like a library instead of being in the gallery . a tree house was an amazing idea but we may have to see more detail into it...

School Ambassadors - Thank you so much for leaving these suggestions. We will do our best to improve playtimes at Mayflower

NUZHAT - I would realllllly also like a little part were we could sit down and watch the people playing football .or a bit were you can sit and wait for the next match

fawzia - I agree with zaynab - a big stadium

nuzhat - in the playground i would like more skipping ropes and a bigger football pitch

Nadiya - hi i would like to have in our playground a swing,digital skipping ropes

Zainab H - Hi i would really like our school to have more equipment. like a fort,a swing and a monkey bar.

Zaynab B - hi school ambassadors, i would really like you to inprove on getting more playtime more longer and i would like to have a big stage in the football pitch like other schools
thanks =]

School Ambassadors - We are working hard to improve playtime at Mayflower School. What ideas do you have?

Nurjahan - Thank you school ambassadors for inviting me to meet you all. I was a little nervous especially about all the questions you were going to ask me. But I am really glad the questions were very interesting and I was happy to answer them. I had a wonderful time and i hope you invite me again to meet with you soon. I hope next time I will be able to ask the school ambassadors some questions too!

Ambassadors - This Wednesday the school ambassadors will be meeting Nurjahan (Chair of Governors) What should we ask her? Any ideas?

Nuha - hello

Nuha-rousseau class ambassador - please get ready for next week children in need day

Radiah - look at us and those children in need items.

School Ambassadors - Thank you for all of the comments. At our next meeting!

radiah - vice chair of the school ambassadors - OK hockney class I will tell adam and i\'ll see if we can get it done. P.S I am surprised that so many of you wrote these comments

rifath - Hello

Mariyya: Boyce class ambassador - Our school ambassadors don\'t just talk and make big sayings. Our school ambassadors will make a change!!!!

samiya - Can we have a range of books, I like scary books!

Zainab - I think we should have more visitors to come and see our fantastic learning

Mascud - I like joke books, can we have some in our school?

Alisha - Can we get some art equipment in the playground?

Zainab - Is it possible to get more equipment in the big playground?

Could this be bigger equipment like a slide or climbing frame?

hockney class - we would like seats for the small playground, can this be done?

radiah - hello. I am the vice president of the school ambassadors and our new motto is GET THINGS DONE.

School Ambassadors - Our motto is \'GET THINGS DONE\'!

Do you have any questions for us?

Will - Does anyone have any questions to ask our School Ambassadors?

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Accelerated Reader

"Pupils' behaviour and personal development are of the highest quality. They listen intently, persevere when work gets difficult and treat others with the upmost respect. Relationships are excellent."

- Oftsed, 2017