What do we do?

As governors we make collective decisions as part of the Governing Body. Our main purpose is to help raise the educational standards and performance of Mayflower by supporting the work of the Headteacher and school staff. We ensure that the school runs effectively, that quality teaching and learning is happening across the school, that the budget is spent wisely and that Mayflower provides good value for money.

We make strategic decisions on how the school is run and are answerable to parents, the wider community and most importantly the children who attend Mayflower. We govern rather than manage giving direction and focus. The management of the school remains the responsibility of the Headteacher. We are responsible for:

  • Appointing Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers and ensuring the implementation of a range of HR procedures
  • Managing the school's budget
  • Helping to determining aims, policies and priorities for Mayflower
  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school and setting targets
  • Ensuring high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour
  • Ensuring that all children in the schools have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, suitable to age, aptitude and ability, which prepares them for adult life in Britain
  • Ensuring the health and safety of pupils and staff

We meet each term, in addition to full Governing Body meetings our committees also meet each term. The committees are Resources, which looks at Finance, Personnel and Premises. Pupil Achievement which looks at the progress pupils make and the Curriculum. These are made up of a minimum of 3 Governors. The committee members discuss items in depth and make recommendations to the full Governing Body.

We also ask all our governors to be link governors where they work with school leaders to help them review and improve their areas of responsibility. This ensures that all our governors know our school well.

What is the procedure for raising an issue with our Governors?

All school related questions should be put in writing to the Chair of Governors and handed in to the school office or posted to the school.

Accelerated Reader

"Thank you for the invite and all the great questions"

- Jim Fitzpatrick MP, Poplar & Limehouse