Boyce, Riley and Hockney class had a great start to their new Ancient Greece topic in the Spring Term. We travelled back in time to experience life in Greece by designing our own pots, learning the Greek language and trying their delicious (for some!) food.

Take a look at our pics and tell us what you think!


shakil - hope you guys still remember me but food was nice

Moriem - I loved the food so nice it was the best

Moriem - I loved the food so nice it was the best

Moriem - I loved the food so nice it was the best

Fayza - I even had it in my class the Hummus was good . But the rest beagggh!

Salma(Ex- Mayflower Student) - LOL it really DIDN\'T taste like pink ice cream!

tanvir - I am going to be in y5 in Hockney Class. I hope I don't eat that.

eshat - I found the food yucky too. All I liked was the hummus and the juice. Adam, please, I don't want Greek food all the time

Marzan - One of a kind food!

Nabilah - Will i think something is wrong with your taste buds because the taramasalata is something i would not eat...

shamia - My favourite bit was the pink ice cream thing and the pita bread and dont forget the pomegranate juice! Hmm I really love that juice!

mujiba - wow it was very fun but I loved the humus. It was good but I hated everything else

Naeemah - The only parts about the food that I liked was the hummus,the pitta bread and the pomegranate juice. Mmmm

Ismail - The tastiest that I found was the tzatziki and hummus........delicious!

rabia - I like the hummus it was.........yummy

shamia - adam i think "NOO"
some of the greek food was not so nice. In my opinion i think we should'nt have greek food EVERYDAY! :)

Adam - Shall we tell the kitchen that we want Greek food for lunch? EVERYDAY!!!

shamia - I thought that the pink icecream was........ yummy

Saleha - I think i enjoyed the food bit the best!!!

shamia - My favorite was the pink ice-cream. What was yours?

Tahera - I found the pink Ice-Cream ... YUCKY!

shamia - When I tried the pink ice-cream my taste buds were ringing. The ice cream was as smooth as cream and when I first tried it I was about to burst into a million pieces of happiness.

Tahera - I would say would say the pink ice-cream was... yucky!

Adam - Well done for remembering those greek words!!!
If you could use an adjective to describe the 'Pink Ice-Cream'- what would it be? I would say.... Scrumptious!

Salma - I think the Greek day was amazing! The white cream and cucumber was the best? How about yours?

Sadia - This was a really great activity and i have enjoyed it a lot!

Rabia - It was really nice

Tahera - hello in Greek is yasyas and good morning is kalemera

shamia - Wow I really love the school website! When I tried the food, my favourite was the pink ice cream thing. What was yours?

Shamia - Umm... in Greek for 'good morning' you say.. 'Kalimera' and 'hello' in greek you say 'Yassou' I think

Adam - Who can remember how to say 'hello' in Greek? How about 'good morning'?

Tahera - My favourite food was the hummous and the juice. They tasted great!!!

Tanzia - I love the school website.Its so cool.😀

Will - Mmmmmmm! My favourite food was definitely the taramasalata! It was just like pink ice cream!

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