Say Hello to Your Teacher

The Nervous Monkey
Wangari Mathaai
Year 1
The Dinky Donkey
Greedyguts by Kit Wright
Where Are You, Blue Kangaroo?
Patrick’s Poem
What the ladybird heard
The Giant Jam Sandwich
Goldilocks and the Three Bares
The Snail and the Whale
Patrick’s work out
Ramadan Moon
Fiona story 2
Message for Hokusai class
Rosie Says Hello to Kapoor Class and Reads Dear Zoo
A Poem for Ofili
Hello Story - Year 2
Laura Reads We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Amelia - How to be a Lion
Hockney Message
Riley Message
Laura says Hello to Kapoor Class
Message for Rousseau
Rosie reads Hoot Owl
Giraffes Can't Dance
Message for Rousseau
The Arrow
Story of Marcellus' Birthday Cake
Patrick reads Triangle
Little Red Riding Hood
Willy and Hugh
The Suitcase
Hello Haring Class
Message for Haring
Monkey Puzzle
The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Tell the time with Pooh
Read Run Rabbit Run! with Fiona
The Bear in the Cave
Each Peach Pear Plum
Patrick reads Dave’s Cave
The Magic Paintbrush
Write a story with Patrick
Tadpole’s Promise
Write a story with Patrick - Part 2
Read The Ghost Train with Fiona
Leon and The Place Between
Patrick's Music Corner
Mr Gumpy's Outing
Laura Reads Through my Window
Year 2 - Eliot Jones Midnight Superhero
Patrick and Mr Tiger Go Wild
Would You Rather by John Burningham read by Teresa


Yusuf (Year 6) - Hello Year 6 teachers 2019-2020! I have a quick question about the Year 6 Graduation. When will the Year 6 Graduation video be uploaded? There is no rush uploading it on the website. Thank you!

Yusuf - (Year 6) - Wow! These stories are amazing! Keep up the good work teachers. Can't wait for the next ones

Sue - Lovely to see and speak to parents today ( Friday) while collecting their children’s learning packs xx

Sue - Hi Haniya we all miss you too ❤️ Hope to see you soon, keep safe ?

Haniya (Matisse) - I miss you Teresa, Sue, Muserat and TessLove and I miss all my friends. Stay safe until we meet again. Can't wait to go back to school xx

Helen - Thank you Zahra, I am so glad you are listening to the stories

Raihan (Klee class) - I like Mr Gumpy's Outing. My favourite part is when they had tea.

Zahra - Hey helen it’s me Zahra from Hokusai and I like your stories

Patrick - Hi Hajar,
I am really glad you like my stories. Wow, you have planted so many things. I hope you grow some lovely stawberrys, they always taste better on a nice sunny day like today. What incests did you hold in your hands? Did you find any spiders? Some people are afraid of spiders but I'm not but I know they won't hurt me if I leave them alone. They are also fun to draw with 8 long legs and a small round body. I am so happy to hear you are having fun with your family and learning to ride a bike, amazing!
Keep up the fantastic work Hajar.
From Patrick

Hajar (YEar1) - Hello Patrick, I love your stories especially the cave story. I have planted many plants like strawberry, beans,tomatoes and rainbow carrots. I found many insects on the plants and I put them on my hand. I like riding my bike and doing maths and playing with my daddy.
I miss Mayflower school and you. You are the best.

Sue - Hi Matisse class, hope your all well, I’m missing you all!! Can’t wait to hear about your new pet Halima and Hamza!
Stay safe ??❤️ Sue.

Hamza ,Halima and Hafsa - Hello everyone we have a new pet! sail and I am making a list about him

Raihan (Klee) - Hello Amelia, thank you for reading The Suitcase and please read another book.

Dawud - Hi Nicola, I really enjoyed the poem and stories. I miss everyone. Stay safe.

Cayden - Hi sally I miss you and I hate the corona virus and are you ok and I love about story chocolates bye sally

Ayyub Ahmed (Klee) - Hi Amelia & Megan,
I miss you both and all my friends. I miss school. Thank you for the story I want to be a lion. Cant wait to go back to school. x

Yousuf Shah (Nursery) - Thank you Laura and Rosie. Yousuf has enjoyed listening to the stories and the video messages. I think he's missing you all.

Zayan year 2 - Hello ? sally I love your story and it’s the best

Amal - Hi Rayyan, hope you enjoy the new poem.
Anniyah, all the adults in Rousseau miss you too. Stay safe and take care ! ?

Shara - Hi Amul I really liked your story it was really nice

Fahim - Kate the answer is 7 take away the s its gona be even?

Nicola - Hi Ayaana, so lovely to hear from you and I'm glad you enjoyed the stories and the poem! Shipli & I are missing you all lots and can't wait to see you again. Let me know if there are any other stories you'd like me to read. We'd love to hear from you! Take care.

Amelia - Hello George, Aneeka, Aaliyah, Yusuf, Raihan and Sajida. I'm glad you enjoyed listening to the story. I am missing you all and everyone in Klee class so much. I know Megan is missing you all too! Take care everyone and if there are any stories you would like me to read, let me know. ?

Sajida Kazi - Amelia, I liked your story here .... I am missing you so much... also missing Megan and my friends!

Raihan Chowdhury (Klee) - Thank you Amelia. I like lions. ?

To Amelia and Megan - I miss you so much and I miss all my friends. I cannot wait to see you all again. I will never take learning for granted again. Yusuf Rahman :)

To Nicola - I know I am late, but I have catched up on all the videos you and the other teachers have made. I wanted to take time out to say I really enjoyed your story telling, most of all I loved your poem it was so beautiful it made my mum cry. I miss you so much Nicola & Shiply. I also miss all my friends, I pray this pandemic is over soon so I can see them again. Lots of love Ayaana xx

Anniyah - Hi Amal your story was so funny it made me laugh .I miss you, Johura , Kirsty, Margaret and all my friends

Aaliyah Miah - Thank You for the story Amelia. I miss you so much ..

Aneeka - Amelia I liked that story and I miss you, Megan and all my friends!!

George - Klee - Hello Amelia, I really liked your story. That was a lovely book x

Nayla Hoque year 2 - Hi sally I really enjoyed your story it made me feel happy please read another story

Hafsa - Matisse - Hello Teresa I love your stories and it's nice to see you on video! I miss you, Sue, Teresa, Muserat and TessLove

Rayyan Chowdhury (Rousseau) - To Teresa,
Thank you for reading Ramadan Moon!

Rayyan Chowdhury (Rousseau) - Hello Amal,

I really liked Greedguts. Can you read another poem or story?

Sue - Hey Patrick, loving the keep fit routine, missing you all! Keep up the good work xxxx

Neev - Happy Easter my lovely teachers ????

Neev - Hi Ben thanks for this story video. I'm watching video. I miss you. I'm wait your next video. Bye

Devon - Hi, Patrick. Are you still ok? I liked watching & listening to your stories, they made me smile & look forward to seeing more. I hope everybody in our Class are all ok too. Miss everybody see you all soon.

Faraz - I like Greedyguts it funny

Nicola - Hi Hafsa, Shafee and Laaibah, so glad you enjoyed the stories! I’d love to hear any stories that you’ve been reading or making up as I know you’re all fantastic storytellers! Watch this space for new stories! I’m missing you all in Ofili class, take care and stay safe.

Hamza and Halima - Hello every one..miss you all

Sara - Hello ?? Patrick, I miss everyone in my class. I enjoyed listening to your story. I miss school so much and can’t wait for it to reopen again.

Laaibah - Good thanks for the nice stories. Nicola

Mariyah receptions shafee year 2 - Thank you for the interesting stories. Waiting for next one. Nicola, Helen, Teresa thank you so much.

amirah - That was nice

Amal - Hello Sulaiman, I’m glad you enjoyed it, it’s lovely to hear from you! What would you like me to read next ? You are first in line from Rousseau with a request ! Let me know, take care.

Sue - Hey everyone, it’s me again! Loving the stories and poems! Keep up the good work xxxxx

Patrick - Hi Rayan, I am well thank you. I really miss Ray class and seeing everyone at school. I hope you are having fun and helping at home. Have you tried inventing any stories? I am writing my own one and then I can record it and upload it on here. Let me know what you think and if there's anything I can do better.

Sulaiman Ali - Hello Amal I really liked listening to you reading Greedyguts! I liked your voice, expressions and actions! Thanks.

Rayan Ali - Hello Patrick, are you ok? I liked your reading of dinky donky.

Teresa - Hello Haniya- it is so lovely to hear from you. You can choose the next story that I read! Would you like another story by Julia Donaldson or do you have a favourite that you would like to hear? Let me know. Stay well.

Sue - Hey Haniya, so happy that you’re enjoying the stories as much as me! I miss you too and hope that all of Matisse class are listening?
If you are I’m sure all the story tellers would love to hear from you X

Haniya - Love to see your message today Teresa. And yes I am doing very well. Just indoors right now. Thanks for sharing the story. I am learning more and more and promise to be a good learner. Miss you Teresa, Sue, Helen and all others. See you soon xxx

Helen - Hi Hafsa and Yusuf, I am so glad you are watching them and enjoying them. The one I read today is all about pasties... a yummy Cornish treat

Hafsa (Year 2) and Yusuf (Year 6) - Hi Nicola, Helen and Teresa! Thank you for the fantastic stories. We really enjoyed them and we are excited for the next ones.

Hafsa (Year 2) and Yusuf (Year 6) - Hi Nicola, Helen and Teresa. Thank you for the fantastic stories and we are really excited for the next ones.

SUE, -
Hey Teresa and Helen, it was great to hear your stories, can’t wait for the next one!!
Love Sue xx

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Accelerated Reader

"All the staff and pupils are very welcoming. Evidence of learning is clear throughout - I love the creative approach!"

- Catherine Hodsman, Exeter PGCE Tutor