As part of Riley class home learning shelter project, children produced amazing shelters using recyclable materials.


(ex student) hajera - missing mayflower a lot !

haj - ur shelter is awsome zahraa

Ariana Grande - Hey! Its me from Sam & Cat
Awesome shelters

Nabil - Tanzia T shelter is the 2 best

Cloe - Lots of crafty kids in mayflower

Imma - They have made this with lots of effort

Nazmul I -

Nabils shelter is the best :D

demi lovato - they are lovely shelters, how did you make them?
your sincerely Demi

Tanzia Ahmed -
Did you see the inside of Zahra's shelter?

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"Thank you for providing the groups for our 'Around the world with Captain Cook' pilots today - and to say how utterly delightful both classes were. Impeccable behaved incredibly sensible, engaged throughout their visit and all in all a real pleasure.

- Kirsty Sullivan, Museum of London Docklands.