We visited the 30th floor on the Clifford Chance building.

We scetched what we could see and used it to innovate our stories about our balloons.

We even had lunch there. Come to our class and read our stories.


sameer - i had fun the

Kaina - I love watching M.I High and I love sneicce and I also love magnets,electrical circuits that is what made me go on them and be playing with them as much as I love to! I hope something amazing will happen next in sneicce week.

Hussain y5 Hockney class - Wow that\'s cool !!!!

annonymous - such a nice view!!

fahmeda - Hi, I went to Clifford Chance with my class when I was younger - like 6 or 7. I really liked it there

Huzaifah and Saad - WOW!!! Nice view. And I can see The Shard

Dee - what wonderful views! Could you see Mayflower from Clifford Chance? I look forward to seeing your sketches.

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