Heba took the Philiosophy Club to the 'Investigate' laboratory at The Natural History Museum which holds curated samples of thousands of rocks, plants and animals that children can investigate hands on. The children got to weigh, measure, and look at the samples under magnifiers. They had to decide what the samples were using classifying criteria before they were allowed to check they were right using the database. 


The photo of Griselda is one with a sample of a meteorite which landed in Australia and is approximately 4.5 billion years old!

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chey - WOW

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"Thank you for providing the groups for our 'Around the world with Captain Cook' pilots today - and to say how utterly delightful both classes were. Impeccable behaved incredibly sensible, engaged throughout their visit and all in all a real pleasure.

- Kirsty Sullivan, Museum of London Docklands.