Our topic for this term was the artist David Hockney. we wrote some stories and descriptions based on his paintings. We have also been reading the book 'The Mousehole Cat' which is about a cat and its owner defeating a storm. Hockney class have been creating their own sea scape pictures to illustrate their favourite lines in the story.


mashia - It was so fun

TANIYA BOYCE - This looks fun

mamun - That looks fun
by the way I am in hokusai y4

Huzaifah and Saad - it was soo fun we all had a great time

tanvir - Making the ginger bread men was so fun and I can not believe that
my work is on the

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Accelerated Reader

"Thank you for providing the groups for our 'Around the world with Captain Cook' pilots today - and to say how utterly delightful both classes were. Impeccable behaved incredibly sensible, engaged throughout their visit and all in all a real pleasure.

- Kirsty Sullivan, Museum of London Docklands.