Sirajul helped organise a fantastic Community Fayre with help from Canary Wharf. There were so many wonderful stalls selling all kinds of food, jewellry, bags and more! There was even a bouncy castle and a face painting stand! Some of the children and other special guests performed on the stage and were all brilliant. Well done to everyone and a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped out! And a big thank you to Sirajul for making it happen!


Mayflower - AMAZING

rezwana - that was the funnest day of my life it was very hot

shakil (he came to this school) - that was a really great day

funkybot9 - I loved the summer fair it was so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and my friends were jumping up and down on the bouncy castle. I had 2 ice creams my mum got jewelry and materials to make a salwar kamez bye !!!!!

Raihana - heheheh

ishita -

Dear all my fellow pupils at mayflower,
I want everyone at mayflower to know how much we yr6, Class of 2012-13 are missing you. If any of my friends from yr6 are reading this message right now I just want to say some things which i never had the chance to say when i was with you at mayflower. Although we all had our ups and downs i want you all to know that I love each and every one of you with all my heart and no matter how hard I try , I can't enjoy my holiday knowing that I am never going to be re-united with you all for definite. I will always have a ray of hope in my heart that one day, we will be together again!

written on the 1st of August 2013

mystery - Awesome!
A great day!

unknown - This looks great!!! This is epicness

Dee - It really was a wonderful day! A gathering of all that makes Mayflower such a wonderful school and Poplar such a popular place! Well done to everyone who helped to make it a community fayre to be proud of.

Salma - I loooved the Summer Fayre on Saturday. 'Im really happy Sirajul put lots of effort into it - well done! And for people who didn't was great fun! Sad you did not come but there will be one next year so you must come!

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Accelerated Reader

"We had a wonderful time at Mayflower Primary as part of their celebration of Black Heritage Month. Everyone from the office to the premises manager, to the teachers and especially the children, they were amazing! Respect and lots of warm appreciation."

- Chief Chebe and Scami Oleo