Boyce Class, like Hockney and Riley before them, got to visit the London Buddhist Centre in Bethnal Green to learn more about this fascinating religion. According to Sirajul, the children were really fantastic at asking lots of questions. They also had a go at meditiating and it looks very peaceful. Well done Boyce Class! 


Saleha boyce - Thank you Will!
And thank u for answering my question

Nabilah - it was really funny Francine. it is hard to close your eyes with everyone else

francine - This is funny. Only me and Nabilah didn't close our eyes!

Will - Some really thoughtful questions Saleha! I investigated them and found out it is in fact called the 'Bodhi Tree'. Buddhists believe that it has the feelings like a person - so maybe that is why it is called it?

Saleha (Boyce) - I loved the trip! It was amazingly interesting learning about this particular religion, I wonder how it feels like being the Buddhist Siddhartha Gautama who spent 6 years (I think its 6 years) meditating under the Body tree? I wonder why it is called the Body tree? Maybe you know? Why do you think its called the Body Tree ???

shamia - I really enjoyed the Buddhist Center and also I really felt really calm and peacefulll while meditating.

Naeemah - Looks like Boyce class enjoyed their trip to the Buddhist centre. I must say meditating is very relaxing. Ahhh. I feel refreshed.

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