On Tuesday 19th November, Upper Key Stage 2 classes were lucky enough to go on an Educational Visit to Madame Tussauds as part of our topic 'The Happy Prince'. We saw some fabulous wax work figures which were made to look so real. There were also many interactive displays and rides to enjoy too.


We are going to use the inspiration from this visit to write character descriptions on our favourite model as well as focusing on the Royal Family.


A great day!


Fahmeda ( Ex mayflower student ) - Hi mayflower, i have been looking over the memories pf primary and i saw this one and remembered how much fun we were having now i am hope i have this much fun my next secondary years. One of the trips in secondary was chessington world of adventure theme park and zoo it was very fun

Madihah - The pics r sooooooo embarassing but it was the best trip ever.thanks will for taking us😀

unknown - Hi everyone I'm an ex student I saw the playground it is so nice and I want to go to Madame tussauds I want to see one direction my favourire band

alisha - hello everyone

Majida - I think you were so luky to go there

unknown - I would love to go there MADAME TUSSAUDS🏠🏢

Will - Alisha - I\'m very happy you enjoyed this trip! Unfortunately, we don\'t have any time left in this year to visit again and it doesn\'t fit in with our learning like it did before. Hopefully you can persuade your new secondary school to take you!

Alisha - Will because it is nearly the end of the year can we go to madame tussauds as a leaving treat. Please will please

alisha - I wish we can go there again.
Please Will can we go there again?
please please.

anonnymous - hi im from bygrove, and I love madam tassuads its good u enjoyed it ! :)

razwana - I want to go! It looks very FUN

jannaty - you look so cool

NAKIB - Best trip in my school life it was absolutely fantastic

Alisha - It was the best trip ever I had a lot of fun. No other trip is better than Madame Tussaud\'s for me.

annoymouse - my cousin Rabia is there

Sakil - It was fun especially the scary bit

jannaty - best trip ever!!!

Jannaty - It was so cool when we went to the trip but the best bit was when we went into the scary bit.
thanks Kalshuma. :)

Rezwan -

I laughed when I saw Faiz on Barack Obama's table

Eshat - Best trip ever!!!

Dee - I\'m so glad that everyone enjoyed their day at Madam Tussauds so much. I have heard some fantastic debates in Hockney class about the Royal Family and look forward to hearing some writing soon.

Maya - how lovely to see the new Boyce class enjoying their time at Madam Tussauds! Just want say hi to Will, my primary teacher as he knows I was and still am his fav student

Will - Who was everyone\'s favourite statue by the way? Mine was The Hulk because he was gigantic!

Will - This was a really great day! Fahmeda, I\'m not sure we will be able to go again so you will just have to enjoy your memories! Dee - we are going to be focusing on our meeting of the Royal Family as well as doing some independent writing on one of the wax work models we liked most. I will get the children to show you their writing when it is completed because I\'m sure it will be fantastic.


Dee - It certainly looks like you all had a lot of fun! I hope to read some of your fantastic writing next week.

Fahmeda - If Will is looking then can we go again please :)

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