On Wednesday 20th March, Mayflower School got a very special visit from 'Snakey Sue'. She brought with her some very interesting facts about snakes, some peeled snake skin and even some real snakes! Many different classes took part in these workshops and we were fortunate enough to experience touching the snakes and some even held them - if they were brave enough!

Here are Boyce and Rousseau Class during their workshop.


rabbi mahi ali - Its been five years! Wow I miss everyone


Alisha - Will your face looks funny there when shiyan is holding the snake😂

sadia-riley - that looks really cool and scary.

francine (boyce class) - I just can't stop panicking everytime i see these pictures. By the way i think people were really brave having those snakes around their necks.

mahfouz - I wasn't scared - I was amazed! Wow! How amazing that those snakes came to our school.

Mahir ak - It wassss great carrying sssnakes!

Tanzia - I found the snakes really scary.

mahir ahmed - It was really funny when the snake went up Haider's

Mehraj - Sssssssssss that was interesting you should have seen some of our classes faces! That was fun sssssssss

Salma -
I reallllllly enjoyed that day (yesterday) it was really fun. Mahir Akbar was really brave and so was Minhaj. Snakey Sue,it was a pleasure for you to visit Mayflower!

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"Thank you for hosting the Magic Breakfast ITV film crew, the children were so helpful, persuasive and open about why they enjoy their breakfast club. It is such an honour to support this school!"

- Carmel McConnell MBE, founder of Magic Breakfast