We were lucky enough to be invited to BP to have a go at programming lego robots. We had to program them using a computer to travel in certain directions, for particular lengths of time and alo to rotate. Some of us even got them to play music!


Naeemah - How interesting. Boyce class sure did have fun playing with those cars and listening to music. Next time maybe Boyce class should give their BP trip to Riley class. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I$MAIL - That's not fair I want to do that. Boyce class you guys are really lucky

shamia (Riley) - Yes Salma, I also agree with you. Boyce class might have a job as a computer engineer! Their trip really looks amazing they must have learnt lots of information - I thought that the cars were really cool!

salma(boyce) - Will I totally agree! Some Boyce kids will be doing computer engineering for a job! Anyway, it was a life time experience. The cars were amazing, we got into groups of 5 or 6 and controlled them. Thee best bit was listening to the music, Awesome!

Saleha (Boyce) -
Wow!!! I personally loved the trip
it was really cool to control an actual ROBOT!!!
And they were even able to play music!!!!
What an expierence and fun trip.
I wish I could go there again

Mahid - Yes it looks like Boyce did have fun with their robotic cars.

shamia - The BP trip looks cool and interesting , it looks like boyce class really had fun!

Will - There are going to be some future computer programmers coming out of Boyce Class by the looks of it! You made some of their IT team speechless with your skills.

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