In the Autumn Term, Boyce class created some Identity poems to show the world who we were. We played around with Sonia Boyce inspired art and created our own portaits with interesting poses and then added different effects on a photo editing program.


Hanifa (Boyce) - Wow! i miss writing with the mayflower pens. All these poems are amazing, wish i could be back sitting in my chair in boyce class and writing this poem again!

rabiaxo - Wow! Us lot have changed soo much since we were ten. Finally teenagers WOOO! Anyone who is reading this from yr6 2012-2013 miss y\'all. And like Griselda I gave realised I need to comment si my comment is how good all the poems are especially mine.

Griselda - Hey Sir 😃 great poem by the way 😂 do you never update this 😔 and you had to put me first 😱 the embarassment anyway just wanted to say hi because i havent even come back once 😭 just been so darn busy , langdons going great 💁 and P.S did you guys get my letter ?? And we\'re still the best class 💁💁☺️ I realise i have to comment on the work so 👏👏👏 well done its great

Fawzia - wow.these are amazing

Hajera - I really liked all the poems they were great

Mehraj - Haha! My one was kind of weird but anyway all the poems were very interesting.

Maisha - Wow Boyce class! Such brilliant poems! Well done!

nuzhat - Very nice poem - I like it very much!

kolsuma - When my baby brother saw the picture of me he was laughing and smiling!

Rabia (Boyce class) - All of these poems were really cool and i think they are outstanding!!!

Shamia (Riley) - I thought that the 18 peoms were fantastic - I really enjoyed them all. Boyce class must have put time and effort into this! I love all the fabulous poems because they made me want to read on.. and on..

Salma( Boyce) - I enjoyed reading all of the poems boyce class put real effort into it . 18 splendid pieces of identity poems.!

Salma - I enjoyed reading all the poems - especially mine!

Saleha (Boyce) - These 18 poems are really intresting to read there really cool and the use of vocabulary is just amazing I personally enjoyed all of them and I'd like to read all of them!!!!

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