We all dressed up for book week. The Big Bad Wolf was voted the best costume- What do you think?


Chassidy - Posts like this make the inretnet such a treasure trove

Hanifa - Wow that picture of me and Will! Missing those days, wish time machines existed so we could all go back to those days.

Madihah - Missing u lot so much and I liked will and Adams costumes the best

hajera - adams costume was cooooooool

khadeja [ remember me ] - adam was the best

Salma(ex) Mayflower Student - Awww miss those days and it was great! Loved everyones costumes and found the girls spy kits awsome ! 1Love the day to bits 2 Miss Mayflower

cheyenne - My teacher looked very horrid and said Henry loves Margaret hhhhaaaaaa

rezwana - Adam really looks like a scary vampire!

Nahida - I think Kalshuma and Rosie's dresses were the best

Rabia!!! - Book day was awesome! Spent most of the day guessing costumes. Not to sure about some though? Amazing costumes will and adam! Anyway ... Great day . Loved it...

Hajera - I think Helen looked great! Don't forget about adam. Anyway amazing costumes every1...

Huzaifah - Adam looks cool and scary

Huzaifah - I like how Rosie and Klashma together.Fiona looks funny with the cloth and the hammer.Elane looks scary and Adam to.Dee looks scary and it looks like she is going to eat me. Aaaaahhh!!!!!!

nadira - I like gemma and rosie's dresses

eshat - I think the best teachers were Adam and Will because they looked really funny and actually looked like the real characters in the stories.

Fayza - I like Adams one because it looks cool

Naeemah - I think saleha and maisha were nicely dressed because when I tried to guess who they are I guessed spies and I was right and that's because they dressed exactly like spies.

Shamia - It is REALLY hard to choose so my 2 favorites were Adam and Will. I thought that Adam's costume was really scary but it is more like for halloween. And I also have chosen Will because he was dressed up as the big bad wolf and it was from my favourite story!

Marzan - My 2 favourite costumes are Will and Adam

faiz - I think Adam's costume was the best out of all of them. I don't like it...I love it!

mujiba and nadia - well its hard to choose but me and nadia think's that Rahima and Rosie because we love there dresses ♥♥♥

Tahera - My favourite dressed up teacher would be Adam because he looked like a real vampire.

Mahid - My 2 Favourites were Adam and Will Adam looked very scary and his face paint looked even more scarier and Will looked different from Adam because Adam was very scary and Will was a granny (funny one)!

abida - The teacher that was best dressed in my opinion is Heba beacuse she dressed up as one of the characters in one of my favourite story

saleha(riley) - Will looks the best!
He came as the granny in liittle red riding hood.

ishita - Adam and Will! What's with the voices? Anyway, yours were the funniest!!!!

mahid - I think Adam was a good dresser - it was kind of like Halloween for Adam

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"Your school was such an eye opener and was such a lovely day. I couldn't believe how polite, welcoming and hard working students all were! And of course really nice to be in a school that promotes creativeness and cultural diversity. Had a very positive

- Kara Davies, School Counsellor - Octavia House Schools